Advertising is published in Native America Today, NAM’s online news magazine and public service website. The mission of Native America Today is to bring forward current news and thought-provoking journalism, while bringing people closer together by broadening perspectives of Native peoples, marginalized by traditional stereotypical images.


Participating as an advertiser is an opportunity to deliver advertising and promotional messages to the Native American community, and others. Advertising messages link from sidebar logos and the Advertising Section, and themes can be customized – for example, career opportunities, student admissions, supplier diversity, institutional and/or advertorial which connects to a topical issue. Value-added to advertising outreach is the availability of services provided by Native American Media.


For federal agencies, the justification to engage are specified by the Office of Personal Management (OPM) and Presidential Executive Order 13985, “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities”. OPM guidelines include, “to facilitate recruitment of individuals who are members of underserved communities” and ”strengthening partnerships with Native American-serving non-tribal institutions”. Pursuant to Executive Order 13985, “agencies shall consult with members of communities that have been historically underrepresented in the Federal Government and underserved by, or subject to discrimination in Federal policies and programs.”


Pro-bono advertising is provided to leading Native American Media program members, former News From Indian Country sponsors, Native American organizations, and entities who have provided substantial support and resources to serve the community, at-large. Some participants in NAM's Heritage Month Awareness Initiative and selected non-profits obtain pro-bono exposure, as well.


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